Although it is probably more efficient to make needed money with another interest and take time to travel, I sometimes wonder what life would be like as a freelance travel writer and photographer. It's fun to imagine other lives.
I would continue my quest to visit every continent (except Antarctica), and then visit various regions within each continent. Without worrying about other income, I would also travel more slowly, writing each day--rather than recording only a small portion of the trip afterwards (like China, Paris, Hawai`i, east Africa, or the perimeter of the USA) or not at all (like Germany, Los Cabos, Banff National Park, or Honduras). That way I would finish my recollections before my next trip began! (For example, I don't remember which cathedral in Germany I was in when I took this natural light photograph.)
[Edited link.]
Tiffany identified the baptismal font (Der Taufstein) in Ulmer Münster. She went to Germany in June 2002.
Hmmm. Where would I go and whom would I write about? Would I find a long lost love? Or, find new loves along the way?
Perhaps it would be the scenery that I found most exquisite, with hidden treasures of history looming behind forest vines or city streets or country villages.
With dreams of travel still left unfulfilled, perhaps I'll never know. But, dreams are dreams and pages are written by the driving imagination of the author. Who is to say where one might find himself in the wee hours of the morning.
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