Noticing that Walt, Jeff, and others have blogrolls and bookmarks, I decided to share selections from my reading using my news aggregator. The result is "William's Blogroll" on the right of the Where's William? page, which leads to shared items (also available as a feed for those using a feed reader).
Below are a few of my favorite sites:
- In Language Log linguists discuss language in the modern world--in news, in software, and on the Web.
- Scott Adam's Dilbert comic strip is popular with white-collar workers.
- xkcd is a "webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language" by Randall Munroe.
- My London friend ketuzin is a student and amateur photographer.
- My business partner Jim Benson writes about technological cooperation on the Web--and food and music.
- The Open Source podcast is my most recent addition to my previous podcast listening.